Surf and Turf 2025
Sign up for NIAGARA FALLS and other upcoming trips!
Surf and Turf 2025
Sign up for NIAGARA FALLS and other upcoming trips!
8:30 AM- Check in with Parents. Waivers and forms must be complete.
9:15 AM- Groups are formed and Bus heads out to BELMAR BEACH.
11:00 AM- Changing Room and Swim Time!
12:30 PM- Lunch across the street.
1:30 PM- Swim Time!
2:30 PM- Nikki Maccanico's Homemade Ice Cream.
5 PM- Arrive home.
8 AM- Come early and bring a bike/Helmet. Load onto the U Haul.
9 AM- Head to High Bridge, NJ.
10:30 AM- Get bike and start to head to Califon.
11:15 AM- Arrive. Take a break.
12 Noon- Arrive at Long Valley, NJ. Load bikes onto U Haul.
1 PM- Eat lunch at Mexican Restaurant. May pack lunch.
2 PM- Head to Long Valley Creamery. 5:30 Pm- Arrive home. UNLOAD BIKES.
9:00 AM- Groups are formed and Bus heads out to Schooley's Mountain.
10:30 AM- Hike to the Boulder Area. Falls are all along the way!
12:30 PM- Hike ends at Long Valley, NJ
1:30 PM- 2:30 PM- Eat in Chester, NJ
2:30- 3:30 PM Stop at Farm Stand.
5 PM- Arrive home.
9 AM- Bus heads out to Paintball Asylum in the Poconos.
10:30 AM- Paintball Games will be played in groups.
2 PM- Zacks's Taco Shop or Bubba Jay's Smash Burger. You may bring a lunch.
3:30 Pm- Head back to Montclair.
9 AM- Bus heads out to Asbury Park.
10:30 AM- Swim Time!
12:30PM- Lunch on the board walk.
1:30 PM- Swim Time!
3:30 PM- Head to bus. Possible ice cream stop.
**Rain may cancel destination- we will still go somewhere fun. Any destination could change! There may be more Possible Stops or none depending on time- Safety is always top concern! Check Facebook for actual arrival time- traffic can change all plans. We are extremely spontaneous- call child or camp with questions.